Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s Sugarlands Visitor Center comes alive December 6th with a celebration.

A special event sponsored by Discover Life in America Inc will honor those have participated for the past 10 years in the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory.

Reservations are required for this event which will pay homage to The Great Smoky Mountains National Park staff, scientists, volunteers, and educators who have helped survey all species of plant and animal life in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Because of the immense bio diversity of the park all of the hard work done, the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) has been able to find more than 650 new species in the National Park that have been previously unidentified to science!

This monumental event will take place from 6 to 8 pm and will include such entertainment as live Celtic tunes on banjo, fiddles, and guitar performed by the Mumbillies band, and stories being told by renowned storyteller Charles Maynard in the Sugarlands Visitor Center Theater. Expect some fine food from the Walters State Rel Maples Institute for Culinary Arts.

Want to join us? Contact Jeanie Hilten at 865/430-4752 by December 4 to reserve your spot. A $10 donation is suggested to help support the ATBI project, but please give what you can. Please send your donation to:

Discover Life in America
314 Cherokee Orchard Road,
Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738

I would also like to extend a special thanks to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, Arizona for their generous donations.

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