Saturday, February 17, 2007

The new Great Smoky Mountains National Park camping reservation system.

Campground reservations in the Smoky Mountains National Park can now be made on the new reservation system on the new web site: www.Recreation.Gov.

Not only can campground reservations in the Smokies can be made on this web site, it takes reservations for other federal recreation areas and offers information of tours and various facilities as well as intergraded Google maps.

The new Great Smoky Mountains National Park camping reservation system

This new interagency recreation portal site is filled with information and links to other government and public information and scientific sites. is a consolidation of,, and and offers a far more user friendly option for people researching natural and historic sites.

I immediately signed up for the site and joined the mailing list and did in depth research on the site and found while there is a long way to go before I consider the site complete, this is the best government recreational site by far. More pretravel research can be done from the comfort of your armchair than ever before and you can now book your campsite up to 6 months in advance.

You can even reserve group campsites and picnic pavilions in the Great Smoky Mountains national park up to 12 months in advance.

If you want, there is a toll free number (877) 444-6777 which is open from 10 am to midnight (EST).

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