Monday, May 05, 2008

Black Bears are active in the Great Smoky Mountains national park prompting hiking trail closure.

Springtime in the Great Smoky Mountains national park means that the resident black bear have become more active and you can find mother black bears with their cubs which can be potentially dangerous of mother bear feels that you are a threat to her cubs.

During the winter months, black bear in the Great Smoky Mountains national park become far less active but since last months warming temperatures if you look careful you will find plant of bear through put the park.

As a result of a mother bear being protective of her young some popular hiking trails between on the north side of Laurel Road between the Townsend Wye and Cades Cove are now closed due to aggressive black bear activity.

The Schoolhouse Gap Trail shared by hikers and horses alike as well as the Turkey Pen Ridge trail are now closed and are not expected to reopen for at least a few weeks.

Bears are active in the Great Smoky Mountains national park prompting hiking trail closure.

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