Saturday, May 31, 2008

Now you can follow the excitement of Your Smokies on Twitter

Your Smokies has just the world of Twitter as Smokies Hiker and has been updating feeds on both Your Smokies News and the Your Smokies web site Hiking section.

What is Twitter you may ask? It is a free service that lets you send or receive messages up 140 characters long in real time. Now you can see where we are going and what we are doing along our adventures in the Great Smoky Mountains.

With Twitter we are updating our web sites and blogs via our PCs in our offices and laptop computers and cell phones while we are on the road. Often cell phones do not work in the Great Smoky Mountains national park, but when they do we will be sending updates.

Twitter will also give you the opportunity to respond what we write about on Your Smokies or not. Don't want to Twit? Well you can just watch our Twitter updates on the lower right hand side of Your Smokies News.

Ready to join the fun? Follow the Smokies Hiker on Twitter!

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