After we did our article on Great Smoky Mountains National park volunteer Tom Harrington we have been flooded with stories and pictures about other outstanding volunteers in the park. Below is one of the emails we just received:
i was just going through some of my pics from 2007 when my wife and i attempted a thruhike on the at...
i think it was april 22, 2007 when we began our day from newfound gap behind the awful storm that left soooooo many trees down..
somewhere before pecks corner we ran into a ridgerunner alone with his saw.....cutting a HUGE tree that had fallen across the trail...
it was jim mowbray ...i stopped and helped him cut the tree...and his astonishment that a thruhiker would do that was noticeable....
after we finished, we took this pic...and you can see how happy he was for the help....
peace to you jim....and may the rest of the blowdowns be small trees....
mowbray is an asset to your are lucky to have him...
it would be great to get this pic to him...
ken roberson (whitebear and cujo)
loganville, ga

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